Psychopomps - Making a Road for the Spirit to Cross Over

Laura Strong, PhD

Transition Guide, Cross-cultural Mythologist, and Walker Between Worlds

For decades I have used these skills to help navigate souls to the afterlife, clear out unwanted energies from homes and properties, guide individuals and communities through transition points of all kinds, and provide creative tools and inspiration during times of change.

Intuitive by nature, I have always had a deep connection to the natural world and the energies of our planet. I've also had a lifelong interest in our relationship with the unseen realms, and such important rites of passage as death. Early on, I also found I had the ability to connect with individuals and groups who were transitioning to the other side, including those who came to say goodbye at the end of life, or needed assistance with their passage.

From a very young age, I also experienced the loss of a number of people around, a trend that continued into my teens and twenties. Curious by nature, I always wanted to know what happened to these people who had suddenly vanished from my life. But instead of finding comfort, I found a great deal of isolation in a culture that was definitely afraid to talk about death, as well as those who had passed on.

While it was common in my culture to turn to one's religion for answers, the church I was taken to in my youth was not too forthcoming. Instead of providing answers, they instead asked me to leave the congregation at the age of 12 for "asking too many questions!"

This set the stage for a life-long quest, where I have actively engaged with a wide variety of mystical traditions, shamanic practices, mystery schools, intuitive arts, healing modalities, dreamwork methods, and creative processes to bridge the "seen" and what is often perceived to be "unseen" worlds.

This journey also led to me to pursue my MA/PhD in Mythological Studies with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute.

There, I continued my research into the diverse mystical, religious, and mythological beliefs surrounding death, dying, and other rites of passage in cultures around the world.

It was during these studies that I came across the role of the "psychopomp," who provides guidance at the time of death, and acts as a bridge between the land of the living and the realms of the dead. Grateful to have found a context for my own innate skills, I also began to see how this archetypal figure could provide a positive framework to discuss what can otherwise be a rather daunting subject.

Throughout this course of inquiry, I also saw how mythological stories can help people from different cultures, such as those who provide medical, hospice, or spiritual support, to engage in conversations about death, dying, even if they do not share the same religious, cultural or spiritual beliefs. Additionally, I witnessed how discussing the concept of a "guiding figure" at the time of death, seemed to ease the concerns of many.

Today, I continue to be interested in how these ideas can be incorporated into stories and imagery that can touch people of all ages and open up a much needed conversation in our culture - not only about what happens at the time of death, but also about the eternal aspect of our being, and how we can deepen our understanding of the intuitive and unseen realms and the guidance that is available there, which is so important for individuals, communities, and the planet at this time.

If you are looking for someone who currently offers psychopomp services, please visit: Find a Psychopomp, Death Walker, Death Midwife or Death Doula.

To learn more about others who are working in alignment with the new earth that is being birthed, see my page on Transition Guides for Gaia.

Contact Info
Laura Strong, PhD
PO Box 947, Langley, WA 98260, USA